Personal Accident Insurance
A should-have policy which eases the financial burden on you and your family if you are involved in an accident. It protects you against the loss of income and reimburses the medical expenses incurred.
What we need Personal Accident Cover?
An unexpected accidents can be faced at any time. This includes of motorcycling, natural disasters, drowning, electrocution, burns & fractures In this case, the fears that would come to our mind will be:
- What if I become permanent disable and cannot work?
- Who will take care of family expenses when I become permanent disable or deceased?
If these are your fear, do not worry,
scroll down and find out what we have for you…..
About this policy
Product Overview:
This policy is affordable and with high coverage to protect the insured when unexpected accident occurs on them. Different variations of cover which include accidental death, total permanent disable, medical reimbursement, and etc.
Let us consult for your best plan!